Well, I have been eating, or trying to eat, raw off and on now for the last month or so. I read a couple of books about eating raw and I like the concepts they contain but I just haven't fully dedicated myself to committing to the lifestyle daily. It isn't that it is difficult, because it really is no more difficult than preparing full course vegan meals ( let me just tell you!!!). However, the change comes with taste and appetite. I will be adding a section for book reviews because there are some really super books out there about all sorts of things relating to Veganism and rawesomeness that I have read lately and I really want to spread and share the word.

That aside, I really want to say just a few things quickly about my findings thus far in the eating raw lifestyle. First of all, I like the concept. To me it makes sense. Our bodies are living organisms and the best we can do is feed them living food that supports that system and doesn't take more energy away from our cells to breakdown and discard of non-living organisms. It just makes sense to me. Secondly, for me, it has been almost instantaneous the feeling of lightness and joy when I switch to a diet almost completely raw. For example, if I wake up and have a glass or two of water and prepare a big juice and sip that through the morning. Then, have a big salad with a freshly prepared dressing and then a light dinner with perhaps something lightly cooked, the energy I have is hard to describe... I think I drive my students the most nuts and my coworkers as well on these days!

If I go back to my normal diet of some raw food, some processed vegan goods, and some cooked food I don't have the same level of energy. It is a fact. I just don't and I don't feel mentally my clearest and I don't feel as free, if I can use that expression. This way of eating works for me. However, it is an adjustment and I am taking it a day at a time and hoping to eat more and more raw in the future. I will keep you guys posted and I will also be writing about the books I read in a little more detail.

Night night lovelies!!!!

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    A little about my life, love adventures in Mexico and el mundo!!!


    May 2013

